Home Film Gangster Squad

Gangster Squad, cast e trama del film

Gangster Squad è un film del 2013 di genere Crime/Drammatico/Azione/Thriller, diretto da Ruben Fleischer, con Josh Brolin, Ryan Gosling, Sean Penn, Nick Nolte, Emma Stone, Anthony Mackie. Durata 112 minuti. In onda domani alle ore 12.39 su Iris.
Una scena tratta dal film Gangster Squad

Trama Gangster Squad

Cohen è un criminale senza scrupoli, uno fra i più pericolosi e noti nella malavita della California e dintorni. Il suo obiettivo è quello di comprire un territorio ancora più vasto, ma il capo della polizia Parker è sulle sue tracce già da tempo, più che intenzionato a distruggerlo, anche con mezzi illeciti. La squadra di Parker non deluderà il capo, ma una serie di incidenti ed intrighi amorosi metteranno a repentaglio la vita di tutti e la riuscita della missione.

Scheda del film

Locandina Gangster Squad
Regia: Ruben Fleischer
US  2013
Crime / Drammatico / Azione / Thriller


Josh Brolin interpreta John O'Mara
Josh Brolin John O'Mara
Ryan Gosling interpreta Sgt. Jerry Wooters
Ryan Gosling Sgt. Jerry Wooters
Sean Penn interpreta Mickey Cohen
Sean Penn Mickey Cohen
Nick Nolte interpreta Bill Parker
Nick Nolte Bill Parker
Emma Stone interpreta Grace Faraday
Emma Stone Grace Faraday
Anthony Mackie interpreta Coleman Harris
Anthony Mackie Coleman Harris
Giovanni Ribisi interpreta Conway Keeler
Giovanni Ribisi Conway Keeler
Robert Patrick interpreta Max Kennard
Robert Patrick Max Kennard
Michael Peña interpreta Navidad Ramirez
Michael Peña Navidad Ramirez
Mireille Enos interpreta Connie O'Mara
Mireille Enos Connie O'Mara
Troy Garity interpreta Wrevock
Troy Garity Wrevock
Holt McCallany interpreta Karl Lockwood
Holt McCallany Karl Lockwood
Sullivan Stapleton interpreta Jack Whalen
Sullivan Stapleton Jack Whalen
James Carpinello interpreta Johnny Stomp
James Carpinello Johnny Stomp
James Landry Hébert interpreta Mitch Racine
James Landry Hébert Mitch Racine
Evan Jones interpreta Neddy Herbert
Evan Jones Neddy Herbert
Josh Pence interpreta Darryl Gates
Josh Pence Darryl Gates
John Aylward interpreta Judge Carter
John Aylward Judge Carter
Jack Conley interpreta Sheriff Biscailuz
Jack Conley Sheriff Biscailuz
Jack McGee interpreta Lt. Quincannon
Jack McGee Lt. Quincannon
Jon Polito interpreta Dragna
Jon Polito Dragna
Austin Abrams interpreta Pete
Austin Abrams Pete
Michael Bacall interpreta Comanche
Michael Bacall Comanche
Lance Barber interpreta Comanche
Lance Barber Comanche
Scott Beehner interpreta Club Figaro Reporter
Scott Beehner Club Figaro Reporter
Mick Betancourt interpreta Detective Sgt. Will Hendricks
Mick Betancourt Detective Sgt. Will Hendricks
De'Aundre Bonds interpreta Duke Del-Red
De'Aundre Bonds Duke Del-Red
Mac Brandt interpreta Bruiser
Mac Brandt Bruiser
Ambyr Childers interpreta Milk Skinned Blonde
Ambyr Childers Milk Skinned Blonde
Dennis Cockrum interpreta Elmer Jackson
Dennis Cockrum Elmer Jackson
Maxwell Perry Cotton interpreta Keeler's Son
Maxwell Perry Cotton Keeler's Son
Jonny Coyne interpreta Grimes
Jonny Coyne Grimes
Max Daniels interpreta Jeffrey Clark
Max Daniels Jeffrey Clark
Lucy Davenport interpreta Slapsy Maxie's Singer
Lucy Davenport Slapsy Maxie's Singer
Darrell Davis interpreta Officer Wyler
Darrell Davis Officer Wyler
Anthony De Longis interpreta Burbank Jail Thug
Anthony De Longis Burbank Jail Thug
Christopher Doyle interpreta Edgar Beaumont
Christopher Doyle Edgar Beaumont
David Fleischer interpreta City Hall Reporter
David Fleischer City Hall Reporter
Lucas Fleischer interpreta Club Figaro Reporter
Lucas Fleischer Club Figaro Reporter
Mickey Giacomazzi interpreta Hatchetman
Mickey Giacomazzi Hatchetman
Dale Gibson interpreta Burbank Cop
Dale Gibson Burbank Cop
Derek Graf interpreta El Dorado Guard
Derek Graf El Dorado Guard
Tom Hallick interpreta El Dorado Investor
Tom Hallick El Dorado Investor
Don Harvey interpreta Officer Funston
Don Harvey Officer Funston
Austin Highsmith interpreta Patty
Austin Highsmith Patty
Matt Knudsen interpreta Club Figaro Reporter
Matt Knudsen Club Figaro Reporter
Anne Leighton interpreta Crying Woman
Anne Leighton Crying Woman
Neil Koppel interpreta Max Solomon
Neil Koppel Max Solomon
Michael C. Mahon interpreta Citz Hall Reporter
Michael C. Mahon Citz Hall Reporter
Rick Marcus interpreta Burbank Cop
Rick Marcus Burbank Cop
Derek Mears interpreta Bridge Goon
Derek Mears Bridge Goon
Cazimir Milostan interpreta Desk Officer
Cazimir Milostan Desk Officer
Brandon Molale interpreta Jimmy'Bockscar' Knox
Brandon Molale Jimmy 'Bockscar' Knox
Anthony Molinari interpreta Lorenzo Molinari
Anthony Molinari Lorenzo Molinari
Michael Owen interpreta Burbank Jail Thug
Michael Owen Burbank Jail Thug
Riel Paley interpreta City Hall Reporter
Riel Paley City Hall Reporter
Michael Papajohn interpreta Mike'The Flea'
Michael Papajohn Mike 'The Flea'
Esther Scott interpreta Letty
Esther Scott Letty
Haley Strode interpreta Keeler's Wife
Haley Strode Keeler's Wife
Yvette Tucker interpreta Carmen Miranda
Yvette Tucker Carmen Miranda
Wade Williams interpreta Rourke
Wade Williams Rourke
Jeff Wolfe interpreta Giovanni Vacarezza
Jeff Wolfe Giovanni Vacarezza
Danny Wynands interpreta Grenade Goon
Danny Wynands Grenade Goon
Eboni'Chrystal' Adams interpreta Dancer
Eboni 'Chrystal' Adams Dancer
Nadyla Blakemore interpreta Dancer
Nadyla Blakemore Dancer
Mandy Coulton interpreta Dancer
Mandy Coulton Dancer
Michelle Current interpreta Dancer
Michelle Current Dancer
Tiffany Daniels interpreta Dancer
Tiffany Daniels Dancer
Monifa Ellis interpreta Dancer
Monifa Ellis Dancer
Hilary Fleming interpreta Dancer
Hilary Fleming Dancer
Scott Fowler interpreta Dancer
Scott Fowler Dancer
Melanie Gage interpreta Dancer
Melanie Gage Dancer
Asiel Hardison interpreta Dancer
Asiel Hardison Dancer
Michael Higgins interpreta Dancer
Michael Higgins Dancer
Scott Hislop interpreta Dancer
Scott Hislop Dancer
Jermaine Johnson interpreta Dancer
Jermaine Johnson Dancer
Eva La Dare interpreta Dancer
Eva La Dare Dancer
Stephanie Landwehr interpreta Dancer
Stephanie Landwehr Dancer
Tina Mayer interpreta Dancer
Tina Mayer Dancer
Marcy McCusker interpreta Dancer
Marcy McCusker Dancer
Jacoby Mosby interpreta Dancer
Jacoby Mosby Dancer
Chris Moss interpreta Dancer
Chris Moss Dancer
Jared Murillo interpreta Dancer
Jared Murillo Dancer
Alycia M. Perrin interpreta Dancer
Alycia M. Perrin Dancer
Henry Chopper Platt interpreta Dancer
Henry Chopper Platt Dancer
Chandrae Rottig interpreta Dancer
Chandrae Rottig Dancer
Dougie Styles interpreta Dancer
Dougie Styles Dancer
Stephen Sayer interpreta Dancer
Stephen Sayer Dancer
Kelleia Sheerin interpreta Dancer
Kelleia Sheerin Dancer
Brett Sturgis interpreta Dancer
Brett Sturgis Dancer
Kevin James Sporman interpreta Dancer
Kevin James Sporman Dancer
April Marie Thomas interpreta Dancer
April Marie Thomas Dancer
Forrest Walsh interpreta Dancer
Forrest Walsh Dancer
Lizzy Watts interpreta Dancer
Lizzy Watts Dancer
Charles Wiggins III interpreta Dancer
Charles Wiggins III Dancer
Jason Williams interpreta Dancer
Jason Williams Dancer
Christopher Aber interpreta Reporter (uncredited)
Christopher Aber Reporter (uncredited)
Pamela Adamic interpreta Drugged-Out Girl (uncredited)
Pamela Adamic Drugged-Out Girl (uncredited)
Michael Arturo interpreta Dealer (uncredited)
Michael Arturo Dealer (uncredited)
Kojo Asiedu interpreta Bar Patron (uncredited)
Kojo Asiedu Bar Patron (uncredited)
Robert T. Barrett interpreta LAPD Cop (uncredited)
Robert T. Barrett LAPD Cop (uncredited)
Bill Blair interpreta Casino Gambler (uncredited)
Bill Blair Casino Gambler (uncredited)
Bob Bouchard interpreta Movie Patron (uncredited)
Bob Bouchard Movie Patron (uncredited)
Freedom Bridgewater interpreta Bartender (uncredited)
Freedom Bridgewater Bartender (uncredited)
Matt Callahan interpreta Chinatown Shopper (uncredited)
Matt Callahan Chinatown Shopper (uncredited)
Greg Cannone interpreta Slapy Maxie's Waiter (uncredited)
Greg Cannone Slapy Maxie's Waiter (uncredited)
Pamela Cedar interpreta Gambler (uncredited)
Pamela Cedar Gambler (uncredited)
Michael Jay Copeland interpreta Water pitcher waiter (uncredited)
Michael Jay Copeland Water pitcher waiter (uncredited)
Clint Corley interpreta Man at Union Station (uncredited)
Clint Corley Man at Union Station (uncredited)
Eddie Davenport interpreta Goon Gunman (uncredited)
Eddie Davenport Goon Gunman (uncredited)
Seth Di Marco interpreta Goon (uncredited)
Seth Di Marco Goon (uncredited)
Isabel Dresden interpreta Hedy Lamarr (uncredited)
Isabel Dresden Hedy Lamarr (uncredited)
John R. Duncan interpreta Club Patron (uncredited)
John R. Duncan Club Patron (uncredited)
Jeremy Dunn interpreta Gangster (uncredited)
Jeremy Dunn Gangster (uncredited)
Ken Edling interpreta Detective (uncredited)
Ken Edling Detective (uncredited)
Chelsea Edmundson interpreta Cigarette Girl (uncredited)
Chelsea Edmundson Cigarette Girl (uncredited)
Gray Ellis interpreta Bar Patron (uncredited)
Gray Ellis Bar Patron (uncredited)
Cathy Fielding interpreta Bookmakers' Secretary (uncredited)
Cathy Fielding Bookmakers' Secretary (uncredited)
Paige Flannery interpreta Club Patron (uncredited)
Paige Flannery Club Patron (uncredited)
Marilyn Foley interpreta Chinatown Shopper (uncredited)
Marilyn Foley Chinatown Shopper (uncredited)
Leni Ford interpreta Rich Widow (uncredited)
Leni Ford Rich Widow (uncredited)
Kristin Gagliardi interpreta Slapsy Maxie's Patron (uncredited)
Kristin Gagliardi Slapsy Maxie's Patron (uncredited)
Gill Gard interpreta Slapsy Maxie's Doorman (uncredited)
Gill Gard Slapsy Maxie's Doorman (uncredited)
Nancy Gassner-Clayton interpreta Caroler (uncredited)
Nancy Gassner-Clayton Caroler (uncredited)
Debby Gerber interpreta Plaza Runner (uncredited)
Debby Gerber Plaza Runner (uncredited)
Tanner Gill interpreta Hookey Rothman (uncredited)
Tanner Gill Hookey Rothman (uncredited)
Nick Gligor interpreta Slapsy Maxie's Waiter (uncredited)
Nick Gligor Slapsy Maxie's Waiter (uncredited)
Sly Green interpreta Club Patron (uncredited)
Sly Green Club Patron (uncredited)
Louise Griffiths interpreta Screaming Woman (uncredited)
Louise Griffiths Screaming Woman (uncredited)
Frank Grillo interpreta Russo (uncredited)
Frank Grillo Russo (uncredited)
Marie Grujicic-Delage interpreta Fluzzy (uncredited)
Marie Grujicic-Delage Fluzzy (uncredited)
Rebecca Hancock interpreta Club Patron (uncredited)
Rebecca Hancock Club Patron (uncredited)
Karen Harper interpreta Caroler (uncredited)
Karen Harper Caroler (uncredited)
Steve Hernandez interpreta Carmen Miranda Drummer (uncredited)
Steve Hernandez Carmen Miranda Drummer (uncredited)
Rebecca Honett interpreta Cigarette Girl (uncredited)
Rebecca Honett Cigarette Girl (uncredited)
Todd Honeycutt interpreta Caroler (uncredited)
Todd Honeycutt Caroler (uncredited)
Courtney Howard interpreta Club Patron (uncredited)
Courtney Howard Club Patron (uncredited)
Elizabeth Howell interpreta Lady of the Night (uncredited)
Elizabeth Howell Lady of the Night (uncredited)
Valerie Humbard interpreta Slapsy Maxie's Patron (uncredited)
Valerie Humbard Slapsy Maxie's Patron (uncredited)
WBBrown II interpreta LAPD (uncredited)
WBBrown II LAPD (uncredited)
Chris Jackson interpreta Bar Patron (uncredited)
Chris Jackson Bar Patron (uncredited)
Pat Jankiewicz interpreta Nico (uncredited)
Pat Jankiewicz Nico (uncredited)
David Johnson interpreta Club Patron (uncredited)
David Johnson Club Patron (uncredited)
Sergio Kato interpreta Officer Lane (uncredited)
Sergio Kato Officer Lane (uncredited)
Faye Kelly interpreta Business Woman (uncredited)
Faye Kelly Business Woman (uncredited)
Kristen Marie Kelly interpreta Girl at Nightclub (uncredited)
Kristen Marie Kelly Girl at Nightclub (uncredited)
Jess King interpreta Thug (uncredited)
Jess King Thug (uncredited)
John William King interpreta Casino Cowboy (uncredited)
John William King Casino Cowboy (uncredited)
Olivia Ku interpreta Suzie Wang (uncredited)
Olivia Ku Suzie Wang (uncredited)
Elaine Lockhart interpreta Bar Patron (uncredited)
Elaine Lockhart Bar Patron (uncredited)
Amy Mader interpreta Chinatown Shopper (uncredited)
Amy Mader Chinatown Shopper (uncredited)
Oscar Magana Jr. interpreta Funeral Mourner (uncredited)
Oscar Magana Jr. Funeral Mourner (uncredited)
Marlene Manes interpreta Gangster Girl (uncredited)
Marlene Manes Gangster Girl (uncredited)
Nancy McCrumb interpreta Betty Page (uncredited)
Nancy McCrumb Betty Page (uncredited)
Mason McCulley interpreta Caroler (uncredited)
Mason McCulley Caroler (uncredited)
Michael Lee Merrins interpreta #1 Uniformed Officer (uncredited)
Michael Lee Merrins #1 Uniformed Officer (uncredited)
Daniel Muller interpreta Club Patron (uncredited)
Daniel Muller Club Patron (uncredited)
Kat Munday interpreta Drugged Out Girl #2
Kat Munday Drugged Out Girl #2
Jim J. Mundy interpreta Club Patron (uncredited)
Jim J. Mundy Club Patron (uncredited)
Nino Nava interpreta Pilgrim (uncredited)
Nino Nava Pilgrim (uncredited)
Stephane Nicoli interpreta LAPD Officer (uncredited)
Stephane Nicoli LAPD Officer (uncredited)
Michael Ouellette interpreta Detective (uncredited)
Michael Ouellette Detective (uncredited)
Veronica Parks interpreta Christmas Lady (uncredited)
Veronica Parks Christmas Lady (uncredited)
Don Pecchia interpreta Mob Boss (uncredited)
Don Pecchia Mob Boss (uncredited)
Erin Pickett interpreta Switchboard Operator (uncredited)
Erin Pickett Switchboard Operator (uncredited)
Geoff Pilkington interpreta Angry Guy in Park (uncredited)
Geoff Pilkington Angry Guy in Park (uncredited)
Josh Polizzi interpreta Slapsy Maxie's Waiter (uncredited)
Josh Polizzi Slapsy Maxie's Waiter (uncredited)
Carolina Provvido interpreta Drugged-Out Girl (uncredited)
Carolina Provvido Drugged-Out Girl (uncredited)
Ron Pucillo interpreta Waiter #4 (uncredited)
Ron Pucillo Waiter #4 (uncredited)
Robert Ratinoff interpreta Vehicle Driver (uncredited)
Robert Ratinoff Vehicle Driver (uncredited)
Dani Renee interpreta Young Mother (uncredited)
Dani Renee Young Mother (uncredited)
Kara C. Roberts interpreta Slapsy Maxie (uncredited)
Kara C. Roberts Slapsy Maxie (uncredited)
Carl Rydlund interpreta Tommy Tedesco (uncredited)
Carl Rydlund Tommy Tedesco (uncredited)
Bradley Sackin interpreta Slapsy Maxie's Motorist (uncredited)
Bradley Sackin Slapsy Maxie's Motorist (uncredited)
Tony Sagastizado I interpreta Pilgrim (uncredited)
Tony Sagastizado I Pilgrim (uncredited)
Gregg Sargeant interpreta Gunman 3 (uncredited)
Gregg Sargeant Gunman 3 (uncredited)
Meg Schaab interpreta O'Malley Sister (uncredited)
Meg Schaab O'Malley Sister (uncredited)
Frank Scozzari interpreta Mickey's Thug #1 (uncredited)
Frank Scozzari Mickey's Thug #1 (uncredited)
Robert Sisko interpreta Slapsy Maxie's Waiter (uncredited)
Robert Sisko Slapsy Maxie's Waiter (uncredited)
Lauren K. Solomon interpreta Casino Maid Marion (uncredited)
Lauren K. Solomon Casino Maid Marion (uncredited)
Scott St. Blaze interpreta Slapsy Maxie's Waiter (uncredited)
Scott St. Blaze Slapsy Maxie's Waiter (uncredited)
Kate Stewart interpreta Waitress (uncredited)
Kate Stewart Waitress (uncredited)
Nevan Stewart interpreta Club Patron (uncredited)
Nevan Stewart Club Patron (uncredited)
Erica Stikeleather interpreta Beautiful Woman (uncredited)
Erica Stikeleather Beautiful Woman (uncredited)
Tom Strahle interpreta Slapsy Maxie's Guitarist (uncredited)
Tom Strahle Slapsy Maxie's Guitarist (uncredited)
Sophia Strauss interpreta Little Girl (uncredited)
Sophia Strauss Little Girl (uncredited)
Jennifer Thompson interpreta Cigarette Girl (uncredited)
Jennifer Thompson Cigarette Girl (uncredited)
Levi Tinker interpreta Grauman's Chinese Theater Patron (uncredited)
Levi Tinker Grauman's Chinese Theater Patron (uncredited)
Christopher Tisa interpreta Valet (uncredited)
Christopher Tisa Valet (uncredited)
John H. Tobin interpreta Actor (uncredited)
John H. Tobin Actor (uncredited)
Chris Toma interpreta Club Patron (uncredited)
Chris Toma Club Patron (uncredited)
Alexis Toone interpreta Tart (uncredited)
Alexis Toone Tart (uncredited)
Amber Sharae Topsy interpreta Sexy Woman (uncredited)
Amber Sharae Topsy Sexy Woman (uncredited)
Holly Traister interpreta Slapsy Maxie Patron (uncredited)
Holly Traister Slapsy Maxie Patron (uncredited)
Lucy Walsh interpreta Manicurist (uncredited)
Lucy Walsh Manicurist (uncredited)
Elyse Willis interpreta Caroler (uncredited)
Elyse Willis Caroler (uncredited)
Kevin Young interpreta Burn Victim (uncredited)
Kevin Young Burn Victim (uncredited)
Melissa Anne Young interpreta Beautiful Woman (uncredited)
Melissa Anne Young Beautiful Woman (uncredited)
altri attori

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26 Mar - 12.39

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Trailer del film Gangster Squad

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