Home Film Descendants

Descendants, cast e trama del film

Descendants è un film del 2015 di genere Musicale/Avventura/Fantastico, diretto da Kenny Ortega, con Dove Cameron, Cameron Boyce, Booboo Stewart, Sofia Carson, Mitchell Hope, Melanie Paxson. Durata 112 minuti.
Una scena tratta dal film Descendants

Trama Descendants

In un fantastico regno immaginario, il bonario figlio del re Bestia e della regina Belle è prossimo a prendere il suo legittimo posto sul trono e decide di fare un'opera di benevolenza, permettendo ad alcuni suoi coetanei, imprigionati su un'isola remota, di iscriversi al prestigioso istituto di Raperonzolo e Mulan. Ecco così che i figli dei cosiddetti cattivi Disney, ovvero di Crudelia De Mon, di Malefica, della Regina Cattiva e di Jafar, si ritroveranno a scegliere se cedere al loro lato oscuro o aprirsi finalmente alla bontà.

Scheda del film

Locandina Descendants
Regia: Kenny Ortega
US  2015
Musicale / Avventura / Fantastico


Dove Cameron interpreta Mal
Dove Cameron Mal
Cameron Boyce interpreta Carlos
Cameron Boyce Carlos
Booboo Stewart interpreta Jay
Booboo Stewart Jay
Sofia Carson interpreta Evie
Sofia Carson Evie
Mitchell Hope interpreta Ben
Mitchell Hope Ben
Melanie Paxson interpreta Fairy Godmother
Melanie Paxson Fairy Godmother
Brenna D'Amico interpreta Jane
Brenna D'Amico Jane
Sarah Jeffery interpreta Audrey
Sarah Jeffery Audrey
Zachary Gibson interpreta Doug
Zachary Gibson Doug
Jedidiah Goodacre interpreta Chad Charming
Jedidiah Goodacre Chad Charming
Dianne Doan interpreta Lonnie
Dianne Doan Lonnie
Dan Payne interpreta Beast
Dan Payne Beast
Keegan Connor Tracy interpreta Belle
Keegan Connor Tracy Belle
Wendy Raquel Robinson interpreta Cruella de Vil
Wendy Raquel Robinson Cruella de Vil
Maz Jobrani interpreta Jafar
Maz Jobrani Jafar
Kathy Najimy interpreta Evil Queen
Kathy Najimy Evil Queen
Kristin Chenoweth interpreta Maleficent
Kristin Chenoweth Maleficent
Shaughnessy Redden interpreta Limo Driver
Shaughnessy Redden Limo Driver
Reese Alexander interpreta Coach Jenkins
Reese Alexander Coach Jenkins
James Hibbard interpreta Museum Guard
James Hibbard Museum Guard
Wesley Salter interpreta Photographer
Wesley Salter Photographer
Judith Maxie interpreta Queen Leah
Judith Maxie Queen Leah
Ken Lawson interpreta Royal Tailor
Ken Lawson Royal Tailor
Stephanie Bennett interpreta Snow White
Stephanie Bennett Snow White
Jonathan Holmes interpreta Mr. Deley
Jonathan Holmes Mr. Deley
Peter Schaad interpreta Tourney Announcer
Peter Schaad Tourney Announcer
Christian Lagasse interpreta Footman #1
Christian Lagasse Footman #1
Paisley interpreta Dude the Dog
Paisley Dude the Dog
Addy Chan interpreta Dancer and Chorus Performer
Addy Chan Dancer and Chorus Performer
Danny De Matos interpreta Dancer and Chorus Performer
Danny De Matos Dancer and Chorus Performer
Devin Jameson interpreta Dancer and Chorus Performer
Devin Jameson Dancer and Chorus Performer
J.P. Dubé interpreta Dancer and Chorus Performer
J.P. Dubé Dancer and Chorus Performer
Shane Simpson interpreta Dancer and Chorus Performer
Shane Simpson Dancer and Chorus Performer
Tyler Layton-Olson interpreta Dancer and Chorus Performer
Tyler Layton-Olson Dancer and Chorus Performer
Tony Giroux interpreta Dancer and Chorus Performer
Tony Giroux Dancer and Chorus Performer
Aglaë Kounkou interpreta Dancer and Chorus Performer
Aglaë Kounkou Dancer and Chorus Performer
Jeff Mortensen interpreta Dancer and Chorus Performer
Jeff Mortensen Dancer and Chorus Performer
Kayla Wallace interpreta Dancer and Chorus Performer
Kayla Wallace Dancer and Chorus Performer
Kiara Gudgeon interpreta Dancer and Chorus Performer
Kiara Gudgeon Dancer and Chorus Performer
Louise Hradsky interpreta Dancer and Chorus Performer
Louise Hradsky Dancer and Chorus Performer
Megan Serena Trainer interpreta Dancer and Chorus Performer
Megan Serena Trainer Dancer and Chorus Performer
Mark Samuels interpreta Dancer and Chorus Performer
Mark Samuels Dancer and Chorus Performer
Jennifer Oleksiuk interpreta Dancer and Chorus Performer
Jennifer Oleksiuk Dancer and Chorus Performer
Kelly Konno interpreta Dancer and Chorus Performer
Kelly Konno Dancer and Chorus Performer
Tatiana Parker interpreta Dancer and Chorus Performer
Tatiana Parker Dancer and Chorus Performer
Taylor James interpreta Dancer and Chorus Performer
Taylor James Dancer and Chorus Performer
Michael Riccio interpreta Dancer and Chorus Performer
Michael Riccio Dancer and Chorus Performer
Navid Charkhi interpreta Dancer and Chorus Performer
Navid Charkhi Dancer and Chorus Performer
Dwayne Gulston interpreta Dancer and Chorus Performer
Dwayne Gulston Dancer and Chorus Performer
Marlyse Joe interpreta Dancer and Chorus Performer
Marlyse Joe Dancer and Chorus Performer
Jesse Devlin interpreta Dancer and Chorus Performer
Jesse Devlin Dancer and Chorus Performer
Morgan Tanner interpreta Dancer and Chorus Performer
Morgan Tanner Dancer and Chorus Performer
Brittany Gumundson interpreta Dancer and Chorus Performer
Brittany Gumundson Dancer and Chorus Performer
Michelle Dawley interpreta Dancer and Chorus Performer
Michelle Dawley Dancer and Chorus Performer
Diedre Barnes interpreta Dancer and Chorus Performer
Diedre Barnes Dancer and Chorus Performer
Winnie Chang interpreta Dancer and Chorus Performer
Winnie Chang Dancer and Chorus Performer
Desirée Manning interpreta Dancer and Chorus Performer
Desirée Manning Dancer and Chorus Performer
Kyal Legend interpreta Dancer and Chorus Performer
Kyal Legend Dancer and Chorus Performer
Audessa Parafina interpreta Dancer and Chorus Performer
Audessa Parafina Dancer and Chorus Performer
Ralph Escamillan interpreta Dancer and Chorus Performer
Ralph Escamillan Dancer and Chorus Performer
Mike Ward interpreta Dancer and Chorus Performer
Mike Ward Dancer and Chorus Performer
Mackenzie Green interpreta Dancer and Chorus Performer
Mackenzie Green Dancer and Chorus Performer
Benjamin Ritter interpreta Dancer and Chorus Performer
Benjamin Ritter Dancer and Chorus Performer
Castle Rock interpreta Dancer and Chorus Performer
Castle Rock Dancer and Chorus Performer
Ben Stillwell interpreta Happy Student (uncredited)
Ben Stillwell Happy Student (uncredited)
altri attori

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Trailer del film Descendants

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