Home Film Attacco al potere - Olympus Has Fallen

Attacco al potere - Olympus Has Fallen, cast e trama del film

Attacco al potere - Olympus Has Fallen è un film del 2013 di genere Azione/Thriller, diretto da Antoine Fuqua, con Gerard Butler, Aaron Eckhart, Finley Jacobsen, Dylan McDermott, Rick Yune, Morgan Freeman. Durata 120 minuti. Titolo originale: Olympus Has Fallen.
Una scena tratta dal film Attacco al potere - Olympus Has Fallen

Trama Attacco al potere - Olympus Has Fallen

E' la vigilia di Natale quando, in un attacco terroristico, muoiono la moglie del presidente degli Stati Uniti, Asher, e le sue guardie del corpo. Tempo dopo, lo stesso presidente è pronto ad incontrare il capo di Stato della Corea del Sud, ma un attacco terroristico da parte della Corea del Nord impedisce la riunione per riuscire ad ottenere forzatamente il controllo delle armi e dei missili americani. Ma in una sfida a tre chi avrà la meglio?

Scheda del film

Locandina Attacco al potere - Olympus Has Fallen
Regia: Antoine Fuqua
US  2013
Azione / Thriller


Gerard Butler interpreta Mike Banning
Gerard Butler Mike Banning
Aaron Eckhart interpreta President Benjamin Asher
Aaron Eckhart President Benjamin Asher
Finley Jacobsen interpreta Connor
Finley Jacobsen Connor
Dylan McDermott interpreta Forbes
Dylan McDermott Forbes
Rick Yune interpreta Kang
Rick Yune Kang
Morgan Freeman interpreta Alan Trumbull
Morgan Freeman Alan Trumbull
Cole Hauser interpreta Roma
Cole Hauser Roma
Radha Mitchell interpreta Leah
Radha Mitchell Leah
Angela Bassett interpreta Lynne Jacobs
Angela Bassett Lynne Jacobs
Melissa Leo interpreta Secretary of Defense Ruth McMillan
Melissa Leo Secretary of Defense Ruth McMillan
Phil Austin interpreta Vice President Charlie Rodriguez
Phil Austin Vice President Charlie Rodriguez
James Ingersoll interpreta Admiral Nathan Hoenig
James Ingersoll Admiral Nathan Hoenig
Freddy Bosche interpreta Diaz
Freddy Bosche Diaz
Lance Broadway interpreta O'Neil
Lance Broadway O'Neil
Sean O'Bryan interpreta Ray Monroe
Sean O'Bryan Ray Monroe
Keong Sim interpreta Lee Tae-Woo
Keong Sim Lee Tae-Woo
Kevin Moon interpreta Cho
Kevin Moon Cho
Malana Lea interpreta Lim
Malana Lea Lim
Robert Forster interpreta General Edward Clegg
Robert Forster General Edward Clegg
Sam Medina interpreta Yu
Sam Medina Yu
Ashley Judd interpreta Margaret Asher
Ashley Judd Margaret Asher
Mike Snyder interpreta News Reporter #1
Mike Snyder News Reporter #1
Josiah D. Lee interpreta Korean Pilot
Josiah D. Lee Korean Pilot
Edrick Browne interpreta Head Technician
Edrick Browne Head Technician
Sean Boyd interpreta Raptor Pilot
Sean Boyd Raptor Pilot
Hunter Burke interpreta Army Tech Officer
Hunter Burke Army Tech Officer
Aonika Laurent interpreta News Reporter #2
Aonika Laurent News Reporter #2
Jace Jeanes interpreta Sniper #1
Jace Jeanes Sniper #1
Sione Ma'umalanga interpreta Sniper #2
Sione Ma'umalanga Sniper #2
Tory Kittles interpreta Agent Jones
Tory Kittles Agent Jones
Shane Land interpreta Agent Davis
Shane Land Agent Davis
Shanna Forrestall interpreta Mary Jane Fuller
Shanna Forrestall Mary Jane Fuller
Ian Casselberry interpreta Long-Haired EMT
Ian Casselberry Long-Haired EMT
Dorothy Deavers interpreta Mrs. Mosely
Dorothy Deavers Mrs. Mosely
Amber Dawn Landrum interpreta Nurse
Amber Dawn Landrum Nurse
Han Soto interpreta Dr. Guildes
Han Soto Dr. Guildes
Kenneth Wayne Bradley interpreta Crisis Room Radio Man
Kenneth Wayne Bradley Crisis Room Radio Man
Bill Stinchcomb interpreta Watch Officer
Bill Stinchcomb Watch Officer
Michelle Celeste Assil interpreta News Reporter #3
Michelle Celeste Assil News Reporter #3
Met Salih interpreta News Reporter #4
Met Salih News Reporter #4
Darrell L. Connerton interpreta CIA Director
Darrell L. Connerton CIA Director
Terry Dale Parks interpreta Army Commander
Terry Dale Parks Army Commander
Michael Stallings interpreta Army Lieutenant
Michael Stallings Army Lieutenant
Elliott Grey interpreta FBI Assistant Director
Elliott Grey FBI Assistant Director
Hamish Macdonald interpreta Self
Hamish Macdonald Self
Lawrence O'Donnell interpreta Self
Lawrence O'Donnell Self
Rick Chambers interpreta Self
Rick Chambers Self
Scott Walker interpreta Male Reporter
Scott Walker Male Reporter
Catherine Shreves interpreta Female Reporter
Catherine Shreves Female Reporter
Arnold Chon interpreta Korean Terrorist (uncredited)
Arnold Chon Korean Terrorist (uncredited)
Lewis Tan interpreta Korean Commando (uncredited)
Lewis Tan Korean Commando (uncredited)
J. J. Perry interpreta Secret Service Agent (uncredited)
J. J. Perry Secret Service Agent (uncredited)
Simon Rhee interpreta Kang's Korean Commando (uncredited)
Simon Rhee Kang's Korean Commando (uncredited)
Ron Yuan interpreta Undercover Commando (uncredited)
Ron Yuan Undercover Commando (uncredited)
David Joseph Martinez interpreta Senate Intelligence Officer (uncredited)
David Joseph Martinez Senate Intelligence Officer (uncredited)
Andy Cheng interpreta Korean Commando (uncredited)
Andy Cheng Korean Commando (uncredited)
Steve Kim interpreta Korean Commando (uncredited)
Steve Kim Korean Commando (uncredited)
Danny Le Boyer interpreta Korean Commando (uncredited)
Danny Le Boyer Korean Commando (uncredited)
Woon Young Park interpreta Korean Commando (uncredited)
Woon Young Park Korean Commando (uncredited)
Ho-Sung Pak interpreta Korean Commando (uncredited)
Ho-Sung Pak Korean Commando (uncredited)
Philip Tan interpreta Korean Terrorist (uncredited)
Philip Tan Korean Terrorist (uncredited)
Stephen Oyoung interpreta Korean Terrorist (uncredited)
Stephen Oyoung Korean Terrorist (uncredited)
altri attori

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Trailer del film Attacco al potere - Olympus Has Fallen

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